Non Functional Wisdom Tooth Leads To Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Wisdom tooth has a nice name but gives people a lot of pain. There are 4 wisdom teeth naturally. They are located at the furthest back of our jaw which lay the third molars.

They usually erupt at the age of 18-21. Because of the refine food people often take, our jaw could not accommodate 32 teeth anymore causing the last tooth to erupt to be impacted. This would cause incomplete eruption, space in between teeth, tooth decay, pericoronitis, roots’ resorption of adjacent teeth, infection, pain and sometimes cellulitis.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth are best extracted

When this tooth is erupting you will experience pain, discomfort and swelling. These problems could be controlled by medicines. Usually wisdom teeth are fully formed when they erupt and the jaw is also fully grown at the same time, thus, there would not be enough space for them to erupt fully. They could be slanted, angulated, partially or fully embedded in bone and exposing only a small portion in the oral cavity. These made them difficult to notice. Because of these incorrect positions, usually they are non functional. Because of certain angulations, there may be food impaction causing tooth decay, foul breaths and gum diseases. These problems could also spread to the adjacent second molar if left untreated.

Most of the time when the second molar is affected, decay usually happens at the neck and root portion. The only way to save this tooth is through root canal treatment. This is a complex treatment and it does not guarantee a full recovery of the tooth. Therefore, extraction of a problematic wisdom tooth is a wise decision.

Prompt Treatment is Crucial

Extraction is usually advisable at the age of 18-25 if the wisdom tooth is symptomatic. Most of the time the tooth is still not fully formed and the jaw bones are not so compact, making the extraction less traumatic and simple.

Extraction of a wisdom tooth requires minor oral surgery. Most dentists could perform this surgery. If the case is too complicated it may require the expertise of an oral surgeon. Before a surgery, you would be explained of the procedure, duration and post operational risks like swelling, pain and trismus clearly. Dentist would also take a radiograph (X ray) of the tooth before the surgery to ensure your safety.

During the surgery, usually local anaesthesia and some tranquilizers would suffice. Those who are very anxious could choose general anesthesia. It would take one week for the wound to fully recover. Dentist usually gives medicine to control the pain and swelling. Initially soft diet is advised for 2 days before resuming normal diet.

Most people tend to drag the treatment of wisdom tooth. They only seek treatment when the problematic area is swollen and infected.  Surgery had to be deferred due to the infection. Some decays are too severe thus complicated the surgery. Some people come at an older age with more compact bone and affected adjacent teeth due to prolong food impaction.

In conclusion, wisdom teeth problems are best dealt promptly.